Fear of the Cost of Health Care after an Car Accident
It happened again at our office. We had a patient come in that thought he couldn’t afford care. He was in a recent car accident and was afraid of getting his back looked at even though he was in pain. He said he didn’t have health insurance because he owns his own company. We said […]
What Pill or Drug Will Ever Get that Bone To Move?
I got an email this morning about the increase concern of opioid addiction and low back pain. Our two offices live in this world of back pain and when you are in it day in and day out you don’t realize the struggles people are having. Being a chiropractor and not being able to talk […]
What causes asthma and what can we do to help?
Did you know that according to the CDC asthma is “a leading chronic illness among children and adolescents in the U.S.”? It is also one of the leading causes of children missing school. From 2001 to 2010 asthma rates have increased by 7.3% in the U.S. That may not seem like much but to put […]
Why it is Important to get in Right Away
Time and time again we have patients that don’t think they have suffered any damage to their spine from the accident. They go to someone that has no idea what they are doing and they are like ahhh your fine. It would be like you coming to me for heart surgery. I have no idea […]
What is the Peak Potential Difference When it comes to Whiplash?
When someone gets into an auto accident they are assuming that where they are going is going to give them the answers they need. This isn’t always the case. Some doctors know more about certain topics so it’s very important that you find the right doctor after you get into an accident. If you go […]
How Important is my Headrest Height?
This is one of the best things you can do to help eliminate the effects of a whiplash injury. There are many things out of your control when you get into an accident but the things you can control like seatbelt and headrest are crucial. “In a rear-end impact, the neck forms an S-shaped curvature […]
It was Just a Minor Accident
I have written many blogs lately about the importance of getting checked out after you have been in an accident. It’s a huge passion of ours at Peak Potential Family Chiropractic because there is a chronic neck pain epidemic going on and I full heartedly believe that this is because people are not getting properly […]
Can a Car Accident cause Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?
We where in the office on Thursday and Dr. Sean told me about this research article he heard about that had to do with people having MS after having cervical trauma aka neck trauma. Our office deals with a lot of trauma in the neck and 90% of my patients have been in a car […]
You where just rear-ended in an accident
Lots of emotions are going through your head: What the Heck, This person just hit me, How I’m I going to pay for these medical bills, My neck hurts, My CAR!!!!!!! Lots of our patients at Peak Potential Family Chiropractic deal with these same circumstances. We saw a lot of patients that have been in an […]
I was just in an car accident and I don’t have any pain
Pain is subjective and not the end all be all if you suffered any damage. My pain level is different than your pain level. What we do in our office is do objective tests to make sure you didn’t suffer any damage. I want you to reference our previous blog titled the ER said I […]