2219 Sawdust Rd #604
The Woodlands, TX 77380

Phone: 281.719.5004
Fax: 281.719.5548
Mon, Tues, Thur 8:00am-6:00pm | Wed: 8:00am-12:00pm

You where just rear-ended in an accident

Lots of emotions are going through your head: What the Heck, This person just hit me, How I’m I going to pay for these medical bills, My neck hurts, My CAR!!!!!!! Lots of our patients at Peak Potential Family Chiropractic deal with these same circumstances. We saw a lot of patients that have been in an accident. It came to our knowledge not everyone knows exactly what to do.

So what is the actual answer?  You need to get a police report.

This is vital to help you with your auto insurance.

I will be writing a blog on which insurance you are covered by in an accident in the future. So if you like this blog make sure you follow our page on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PeakPotentialFamilyChiropracticTWTX/?hc_ref=SEARCH for more updates.

We have seen time and time again that a patient will get rear ended and they wont get their name on the police report. Then the insurance says, “How do we know they where part of that accident.” “How do we not know that your patient wasn’t the cause of the accident.” “You can’t prove they where even in an accident.” Don’t leave your auto accident to chance. Get the Police report and then get to our office as soon as you possible can. If the office says that isn’t a lot of damage, hold your ground and make sure you get on that report. Emotions will be high so make sure your polite and just say “Please officer, I don’t know if any underlying damage has happened and want to make sure I’m covered.” Unfortunately we had a patient that was rear ended and didn’t get on the police report and the insurance will not cover her auto injury. She now has low back pain that she didn’t previously have. We have seen time and time again that if a patient get’s into an accident they suffer more significant injuries than they realize.

A study out of Yale stated that any accident greater than 8.2 MPH would cause a whiplash injury. Not may or might cause a whiplash; it will cause a whiplash injury. So if you have been in an accident call our office at 281-719-5004 for our Woodlands location.

Contact Peak Potential Family Chiropractic Today!

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