Family Chiropractic Care
Individualized Family Chiropractic Care

Our goal at Peak Potential is to help people get back to doing the things they love doing. Most people do not come into our office because of pain they usually come in because the problem is affecting their life negatively. They can’t do something they love anymore. These problems range from “I can’t pick up my kids anymore” to “I can’t work out anymore.”
It is amazing having patients come into the office that cannot pick up their kids to being able to play with them no problems after they see us. Giving people their lives back is what we pride ourselves on. We are not just a pain clinic we are a clinic that is about getting you back to living the life you want.
Neck Pain/Stiffness
This is one of the most common symptoms that comes into our office. We spend a lot of time looking down at our computers and tablets and this is causing our neck to lose its natural curve. This then causes abnormal biomechanical stresses on the spine that speeds up the degeneration process.

Low Back Pain
Besides always looking down in our society another silent killer is sitting all day. Daily commuters to Houston are sitting for hours in their car and then when they get to work they sit for 8 hours. These activities are putting a huge amount of stress on our low back.

Let Peak Potential Family Chiropractic Help Restore Your Pain Free Lifestyle
The Woodlands
Dr. Zach and Dr. Krissy
Live Your Peak Potential - Schedule An Appointment
Headaches are not normal and most headaches come from dysfunction in the neck. If you are getting frequent headaches or are taking pills daily to combat this you need to schedule a complimentary consultation right now.
Common signs that you need to schedule a consultation:

Most people think that when they have numbness it is normal. Numbness in any form is very serious and this means that you are more than likely are suffering from interfering with one of your nerves transmitting it signal. This needs to get corrected today if you have any form of numbness. If the correction process isn’t started today the next step is muscle weakness, where you are no longer able to contract the muscle that nerve goes to. If you wait much longer than this you will have nerve death.
Common signs that you need to schedule a consultation: