Mark came in at the end of December/ early of January because he was having neck pain from a whiplash injury he suffered. I went over how the brain is connected to every tissue, organ, and cell via the nervous system. He then brought up that he was having some heart issues that started after he was running a marathon. While doing the exam I found a subluxation, which is a bone out of alignment causing his nervous system to not function optimally, in the area where the nerves go to the heart. I told him that I think we can help with his heart issues.
We started care and he told me that his heart was feeling more and more normal and he was able to get back to running. Mark was getting to the point where he no longer wanted to run. This is significant since he was a collegiate runner and he also coached track in college. So running is a huge part of his life. Below shows you just how much his resting heart rate was increasing.
Mark told me about this chart he was using to track his heart rate about a month into care. You can see the drastic decrease in resting heart rate after he started care at the end of December. This chart shows his heart rate increase pre-chiropractic.
Now you can see since he started care over a period of 5 months his resting HR has stabilized and is about 10 beats per minute slower. This is a huge workload of his heart. If you know anyone that is suffering from heart problems and isn’t get any results anywhere else tell them to give our office a call to schedule their complementary consult and exam at 281-719-5004.
Mark’s story can be seen here on YouTube